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- Webinar: Economic consequences and how data can help your business during the Russia-Ukraine war

Webinar: Economic consequences and how data can help your business during the Russia-Ukraine war
In light of the latest critical developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war, we invite you to join us for a webinar to hear from our expert on the latest impact on the CEE economy and how can data help your business during this crisis. Grzegorz Sielewicz, Regional Economist Coface Central & Eastern Europe, and Arturas Potelis, Sales Manager at Coface Baltics, will give you an overview of the risk assessments to help you understand the impact on your businesses.
Coface is closely monitoring the changes of the Russian war against Ukraine and its consequences in terms of economic and commercial risks.
These recent events have led Coface to downgrade its country risk assessment for Russia. Our regional economist will explain the effects of risk assessment in more detail.
12th of April 2022 at 14.00-15.30 (Estonian time) at ZOOM
Following subjects will be covered during the webinar:
- A wide impact of current war: global commodity supplies shaken
- Why economic consequences for Baltics will be more severe than for other European countries?
- The impact on country risk assessments and business insolvencies
- How can Coface data help your business during an economic crisis?
Grzegorz Sielewicz, Chief Economist, CEE region
Grzegorz is the Coface’s economist covering the Central and Eastern Europe region. He focuses on the economic research of CEE countries including macroeconomics, sectorial analyses and company insolvencies. Grzegorz is an author of publications, reports and articles concerning both economic issues and corporate risk assessments in the CEE region. He is a speaker at various conferences worldwide (Country Risk Conferences, economic and sectorial conferences, business events, webinars) and provides commentaries to media including TV, radio, press and internet.
Before joining Coface in September 2013, Grzegorz Sielewicz was the chief specialist in the International Capital Markets Division of the Public Debt Department in the Polish Ministry of Finance. His experience includes also positions in Deutsche Bank and UniCredit’s Brokerage House. He graduated the Warsaw School of Economics and holds M.Sc. in economics. He is also an alumnus of the Krannert School of Management programme at the Purdue University in Indiana, USA and educational programmes of Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities (MUCIA-Global).
Artūras Potelis, Head of sales, Baltic region
Artūras is a Head of sales for Baltic States. He works with payment risk management processes since 2010. Starting from 2015 he’s leading sales team for trade credit insurance, Business information and Debt collection covering all Baltic States. Artūras professional competencies are Risk management, Sales Management, corporates process efficiency.
Artūras has a Bachelor and Master degree in Business Management from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.
In cooperation with COFACE BALTICS
Around the world, Coface protects companies against unpaid invoices. Coface is a global business risk expert and leader in credit insurance in the international market.
Coface has more than 75 years of experience in the following areas:
- Assessing business risks;
- Protecting against outstanding commitments;
- Secure sales worldwide.
The Group employs 4,450 professionals, who directly or indirectly provide 50,000 deals with companies operating in more than 200 countries.
COFACE BALTICS is a division of COFACE Group with more than 16 years of experience. They operate in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Their services include commercial credit insurance, business information services and debt recovery. We are there to protect you against unpaid invoices at home and abroad. We offer this to all sizes of companies from SME’s to multinationals.