Promoting permeability through dual bachelor's programs with integrated initial and further vocational training (BA&VET)

The main objectives of the BA&VET project are as follows:

  • Increasing the permeability between vocational education and training and higher education and thus promoting the attractiveness of vocational education and training

  • Strengthening the recruitment of colleges/universities for the important tasks of continuing education in climate and environmental protection

  • Providing highly qualified entrepreneurs, managers and skilled workers who, in addition to good theoretical knowledge, also have practical competences, skills and professional experience in climate and environmental protection and reducing the shortage of skilled workers to cope with the very large tasks in the energy, climate and environmental sector.

  • Attracting entrepreneurs and executives who have all the skills to successfully run a company and perform high-quality tasks in climate and environmental protection

  • Strengthening the productivity and competitiveness of enterprises through knowledge and technology transfer, promotion of innovation and implementation of manageable R&D projects

  • Promoting cooperation between SMEs and colleges/universities, strengthening colleges/universities to implement dual courses of study on climate and environmental protection, and promoting entrepreneurship in higher education.

In pursuit of these objectives, the following results will be achieved:

  1. Analysis results on the economy, demography, education and labour markets as well as qualification needs in climate and environmental protection.
  2. Curriculum. Teaching materials, implementation report and evaluation concept and report for teacher training

    3rd & 4th module handbook with integrated continuing education, teaching materials, examination regulations, implementation reports as well as evaluation concept and reports for a three-stage dual Bachelor's degree program
  3. "Business Administration & Sustainable Management of SMEs"
  4. "Management of renewable building energy technology"
  5. Concept for promoting innovation by SMEs and evaluation concept and report
  6. R&D projects carried out for SMEs
  7. Concepts and report for the evaluation and quality assurance of qualifications and R&D subsidies as well as project implementation, transfer of results, implementations and implementation consultations.

Project duration: 36 months from 01.12.2022 to 30.11.2025
Project Budget: 400.000 Euro

Hanse-Parlament (Lead Partner), Germany
Pomorska Izba Rzemieslnicza Malych i Srednich Przedsiebiorstw, Poland
Berufliche Hochschule Hamburg, Germany

Associated partners:
74 chambers of industry, commerce and trade, SME associations and other providers of vocational training as well as colleges and universities from 13 countries

Program: KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education KA220-HED-7666EAEA